
Journaling with cards (part 2)

Hello lovies

If you read my post this morning and have picked your preferred card pile, welcome back:)

Here are the three card reveals:





Communication is the key to seeing deeper right now. Let your heart lead your voice.

Communicating and sharing what's on your heart and mind can sometimes feel daunting. The fear of saying the wrong thing, of hurting someone with our truth, the possibility of being misunderstood, and the shyness of taking up emotional space can stop us from fully opening up to the people around us.

Saying how you feel when you feel it takes practice. It takes courage to be vulnerable. But sharing those scary parts of yourself with others is the only chance we have at making genuine connections. Your thoughts matter. Your words matter. How you, specifically, see the world around you matters.




The choice is up to you. You are never ever out of options. The possibilities are endless.

There's personal power in our ability to make choices. Choice tethers us to our desires and beliefs. Choosing can also make us feel overwhelmed, sometimes, though. When we feel stuck in life, the prospect of choice seems limited or nonexistent. But there's always one tiny thing we can focus on and inch toward to steer us in the direction we want.




You are part of a loving support system. We can help each other reach our dreams.

Having a tight support system feels like a true luxury. I feel this is especially true as I get older. Whether you're an extroverted hermit like me or a social butterfly, it's important to nurture the relationships in your life and work on a fair emotional exchange. Having a prepared tool-kit on the ready when things feel stressful can make you feel like you have a safety net of comfort.

**I recently wrote a post about anxiety and the small things I do to decompress and give myself a little self-love.



The card deck I used today is by Vessel.

I hope you enjoyed this little card reading and that it gave you a bit of coziness and perhaps a few journaling leap-off points.

Sending you love wherever you are xo

#oracle cards