
Tiny happenings

It’s been two months since I moved into my new apartment, and I keep telling everyone how quiet it is here…and low and behold! A party next door! Which raged until 7 am. Who the hell parties until 7 am???

I guess I’m getting old.

I’ve been enjoying walks with the doggo and seeing all the spooky decorations in the neighborhood. My last apartment was in an orthodox Jewish community, and Halloween and Christmas were never celebrated. I didn’t realize how much I miss being among these holiday traditions. I initially moved there because it was across the street from where I previously worked, but now that I’m working from home, I decided to find a new place.

A few pics around the neighborhood:







Breakfast this morning:


I might need to reign in the bagel and cheese consumption; I've been eating it daily for the past month.

Going to my friend's house later today to hang out and have Thanksgiving dinner, then back home to watch more Breaking Bad. I’m now on season 3! Can't believe I waited this long to watch it. Walt letting that girl die of an overdose was horrible to watch, though, and not sure I like his character anymore.

Other things that have captured my attention...