
Zines and music...what else is there?

Just got a shitload of zines yesterday from Small Zine Volcano. He even threw in some zine posters that I'm going to put up on the wall above my desk. Thanks, Luke!

I've mentioned it before, but Small Zine Volcano gives away free zines...you just gotta pay for the postage. Sweet deal.


It's been so sweltering outside that I've barely gone out for our usual hikes. One swing around the block and the dog is panting like crazy, and I turn into a sweaty mess. So, i've mostly been hiding out inside with the AC pumped to high.

I feel like I'm always writing about the same damn things. Over and over. A ferris wheel of pure crap. It's almost been a year, since I started writing on this blog. Well, almost, end of August. Huh. Time is weird.

Die, Die My Darling -Misfits. Old fav. On repeat.
Second Best -Pulley. Yeah, fits the bill.
Waiting Room -Fugazi. Insane melody...obv the best punk song ever written.
