
super mario and zines

I saw the surgeon this morning. He's happy with the follow-up X-rays from today and says I'm healing up nicely. He took the mile-long line of staples out and bandaged me up again.

When I asked how long it would be until I could walk, he mentioned it could be up to three months. THREE MONTHS???? He says it all depends on how fast I heal. Sigh.

I thought I would come home sans brace today, but that was a big negative. He fitted me with this bionic-looking brace that allows for knee bending. At least I get to start introducing some movement. Small forward momentum.

Look what someone sent me!! The cutest mini gameboy! Just started playing Mario, hehe. He also sent along a handwritten letter and some tiny stickers. A happy mail day indeed:) vmb

Also >>>>>> A bloggo friend from the UK, Toni Ertl, sent me a couple of his beautiful zines for my birthday! I'm blown away...these photographs are absolutely stunning. Thanks for cheering me up, Toni:)



Contact: toni@photoxon.co.uk


Hope you're all having a happy Friday <3

Change My Ways—Tony Molina
