
saturday things

This morning: Drinking Timmies while emailing some bloggo friends and new acquaintances. A cozy morning indeed. Is there anything better than this type of quiet communication?

Swapping socials for personal blogging: Shawn, from Wholewheattoast, is posting to his website again, and this makes me happy.

Still thinking about: Digitizing all of my old journals sitting in my closet and importing them into Day One. Seems like an overwhelming task, but having all my journals in one place, secure and private feels important. I don't want to lug boxes of journals around anymore when I move. Maybe I'll start with a couple journals and see how it goes. The only thing is how searchable would these scanned pages be? I would have to tag each uploaded page accordingly perhaps.

What's this? An RSS Club? Yes, pls.

Plans today include: reading, napping (this cold I have is still hanging on unfortunately and I feel wiped), tiny grocery store jaunt for a few essentials, taking muffin' for a mini walk around the neighbourhood, and watching Spaceman tonight curled up on the couch. Ces't tout!