oh hi
I've had a quiet and introverted week.
Input > output kind of week.
My experiment with writing Weekly Email Letters vs. daily writing on this blog continues. Things I've noticed/thinking about:
Since I don't daily log on this blog lately, I tend to have more input time. Reading, writing in my journal, watching films, playing vids, catching up with email friends.
I miss sharing the minutiae of my daily thoughts, though, and now I tend to share these snippets on Bluesky/Mast instead of on my blog. Is this what I want? A part of me wants to get rid of socials altogether and just focus on writing my weekly letters. But also, i like the camaraderie of being silly with my pals on socials.
I find writing my weekly letters more intentional. I'm writing to someone rather than an empty void here on my blog. I've noticed more email exchanges through my weekly letters too, which I love.
I don't know how I feel about some of my email letters not being preserved in a way. This blog is a long record of life-things as opposed to the ephemeral nature of email letters. Idk.
This weekly writing practice feels good. I'll check in here once and a while, but if you want to keep up with my shenanigans, art, sketchbook things, zines, and life-thoughts, I'd love for you to sign up for my Letters <3.
On this day:
June 6, 2023 Insomnia queen