
Notes 01

Sometimes my brain wants to write in lists. I have journals full of them. Scribbles on scraps of paper or the back of receipts. Things to do. Things to remember. Interesting book passages. Blog titles/ideas. Books to read. Films to watch. Blogs to read. New words I love. 2am thoughts. People to email. Quotes. Websites I love. Appointments. Pros and Cons. New music. Gratitude lists (not easy, but I'm trying). Notes to self.

Behold a current list:

  1. Why do humans need to share things? I wrote about it before, but I'm still fascinated by our deep need to share the things we love. I've tried to write the why behind it, but I'm unsure if I've ever unraveled its trueness.


  1. Currently reading: Body Work: The Radical Power of Personal Narrative by Melissa Febos

  2. Crum (make yourself cum & have a nice cry after) -Cat Cohen. Therapy 101.

  3. Will you fuck this horrible feeling out of me? -Cat Cohen. Relatable.

  4. Astronomy Picture of the Day. I adore this site.

  5. Webring xxiivv Hand-crafted wikis and portfolios...thx for link M:)
