
Connecting through art

Thinking about forms of connection this morning after reading Liz Mason’s zine.

A particular sentiment from her I highly relate to:

and yet interestingly, if you’re like me, sometimes the connection we seek isn’t with people in a social way— it’s through music, the written word, film, or any kind of art. Artists and writers make things that nourish the inner life, and they often do so alone in a studio, at a desk, or in front of a computer. The truths and nuances we enjoy through these art forms, create a connection that can sometimes feel deeper than what we get from socializing in person.


I esp feel this after reading someone over a long period of time; their blog, zines, etc. People share bits of themselves through writing/art that wouldn’t arch over into typical conversations. That’s why I love personal blogs/zines: the intimacy, the vulnerability, the laid-bare truths.
