Morning tally:
Coffee (3) ✓
In-depth journal writing ✓
Helpful therapy session ✓
Long walk with the doggo ✓
I need to put my record player stand together, but it's still in the box by the front door.
Currently reading: The True Secret of Writing by Natalie Goldberg. It's ok. It's not as good as Writing Down the Bones, but I'm still enjoying it.
I still have this "tension" in my chest: anxiety, hurt, crushing sadness, pain, bewilderment, emptiness, blehhhh.
I wrote an ambitious list of distractions to complete in my journal this morning; however, in practice, none are appealing.
Listening to music >>>> not a chance
Zoning out to TV >>>> 10/10
Wisdom from the Internet: (sigh/lol)
・Emotions = messengers/teachers/inner GPS
・When people show you who they really are—believe them
What's that quote? Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. Well, clearly, that fucking asshole, never lost someone he loved. Shitty fucking quote.