
Meatloaf Headache

Reading some new zines this morning with my morning coffee. And first up is Meatloaf Headache. This has to be one of my favorite zine series of all time.

Every issue (which consists of only one page) is a short anecdote of a particular memory revolving around a song. Brilliant!


Who's the writer behind this zine? Good question. I'm not sure. I think it's Luke? The guy who writes the famous You Zine, but I'm not certain.


This particular one revolves around The Velvet Underground, and it is spectacular. I mean, what a concept. So good, so simple, and always leaves me wanting more.


There's a bunch of zinesters from Australia, who I've discovered through Small Zine Volcano and Sticky Institute, that have influenced my zine-making. The simplicity of having art on one side of the page and a big block of text on the flip side. Golden.

The long weekend is upon us, and I'm ready for it. I work today, mind you, until 8 p.m., ugh, but then it's three days off to squander as I please. yay!

What shall I do? Not sure yet. Meeting up with a friend tmrw for some breaky. Then perhaps, I'll cajole another friend into driving us up north to Wasaga Beach to catch the last gasps of Summer Things. Looking forward.

