Links are the 🖤 of the web
Tarot/Oracle cards
🤩 = Writers, artists, bloggers, and makers who have a supporters page. Consider supporting the artists and writers in your life who move you, point you to cool things, inspire you, and make you feel less alone in the world.
Brian McHenry. His pencil drawings are layered, intricate, and otherwordly. Beautiful work.
I love Chelsea Granger's art. Her oracle deck Dirt Gems is magical, and you should check it out. She also writes about death and grief, which I found helpful after losing my partner. She spent one year mailing a monthly paper journal/newsletter to a few subscribers after losing her mom and close friend.
Ellen Viola Her zines/art are charming and colorful. I'm a huge fan.
Indiana Hoover I love his simple pencil sketches and how he renders portraits.
Jason Polan is one of my favorite artists. I love his raw and quick drawings made with a pen and notebook. His project of trying to Draw Every Person In NY was cut short as he passed away a few years ago. His work still continues to inspire me.
Kate Bingaman-Burt Artist, zine maker, and teacher.
Shawn Eisenach His art zines are amazing.
About Ideas Now A list of personal websites by creators, thinkers, and doers of all sorts
ooh! Directory I Love this new site.
The Forest Go for a walk, and enjoy getting lost on the web.
Webring xxiivv Hand-crafted wikis and portfolios.
Wiby Search engine for the classic web. Slice of life thoughts (Personal) | Art by Aeryn (Art Blog).
Along The Ray Love seeing his daily photos capturing his new surroundings.
Noggin Along the Ray. Musings on old-school-web livelihoods & creative pursuits. An Antarctica blog!
The Castle. Diary-like posts and cool music recs.
French Claire Sohem Poems, interviews, and thoughts on the writing life.
C.C. Poet, writer. She writes a monthly zine called Mail Blog.
Growing Old With You. Ru’s blog is a tapestry of poignant writing and laid-bare slices of life, and I admire her vulnerability on the page.
Ithaka Daily blogger. | 🤩 Buy Me A Coffee
Lili's Musings Uncut, thought-provoking writing. A new-found blog for me, and I'm excited to delve deeper.
Local Ghost. Retro-cute blog.
Lost Letters. A nostalgic tribute to girls' early 2000s-era online subcultures.
People and Blogs series.| 🤩 Ko-fi
Sven Dahlstrand A cool human being with a really fun blog.
The Wallflower Digest. Alice’s blog is new to me, and I’m having so much fun devouring her writing. She’s a book-loving introvert who grapples with social anxiety (like me!), and her writing topics and hobbies are wide and varied.
Winnie Lim Weekly posts about health and existence. | 🤩 Buy Me A Coffee
Many Queens Tarot Inclusive definition of femininity, beauty, and body image by Lettie Jane
Aswirl Concrete poetry
Search My Site. Search real content by real people from the indieweb / the small web / digital gardens.
Anna Jo Beck Artist and zine maker
brattyxbre She makes the coolest zines. | 🤩 Ko-fi
Ctrl-ZINE A collaborative zine, celebrating tech and the Smol Web
Echo Zines A DIY feminist zines + comics.
Feels Zine. A zine about feelings <3
iknowbilly is a long-time zinester. He's been writing zines forever in the ol cut and paste style I love and appreciate. He writes a monthly paper newsletter The Desert Sun, amongst all his other zines, including the famous Behind The Zines series, which is published twice a year. | 🤩 Patreon
Izalixe Straightheart hails from Montreal, and her zines are usually written on a typewriter in a cut-and-paste style. She chronicles her life and often travels back and forth between Vancouver and Montreal.
Liz Mason has been self-publishing for over 20 years. She manages the famous Quimby bookstore in Chicago and writes fun zines like Caboose, Awesome Things, and Cul-de-sac.
Seagreen Zines Zine adoration station. | 🤩 Ko-fi
Small Zine Volcano You can buy a shit load of zines for freeee! You only pay for postage. Buy zines like You by Luke (one of my favs), Friday Night in West Ealing, and Rut Zine by Bianca. These are primarily one-page zines from Australia. I love the idea that one page can become a small publication. Very cool.
Twenty-Two Zines Zine reviews, tarot cards, small press love, and thoughts on creativity.
Zineopolis by Jackie Batey
Zine Resources by Silvia Nowak. A living document that is regularly updated.