
Learning curve

Been working on making a teeny one-page zine. Subject matter? not sure yet. I’ve never made an 8-page zine this small before, as I usually just write a whole block of text on both sides of a regular sheet of paper and fold it quarterly.

I’m doing this on my iPad this time, which is a nice change up; I typically am of the cut n’ paste variety. But I’m liking the ability to resize my drawings and make use of them. Learning curve for sure, though.


I decided not to listen to music on my walk this morning. The birds and other morning sounds kept me company. I kept smelling the most intoxicating scents of nearby trees/flowers.

Muskoka is the perfect walking companion, as he hardly gets annoyed with all my frequent photo-taking stops.

This tree smelt so delicious I wanted to stay under it forever: vmb


Look at the color of these pretty flowers, just gorgeous: vmb

Anyway, going to continue to work on this little zine and have another cup of coffee before starting work.

Happy Friday :))