
It's been a day already

I have an appt to see my breast doctor today, and it's triggering as hell. I go once a year because I'm part of the high-risk breast cancer program since my mom died from it so young. I hate going. I don't even want to deal with this today.

In other news, my dad was taken to Emerge last night. His stent in his stomach/esophagus is blocked. Not sure if they have to do another surgery or what. Poor papa. Might go over with my sister to see him later.

My dog kept me up till 2am, shaking and panting. He's always been noise-phobic, but lately, it's been getting worse. He's a senior now...so maybe things are heightened for him.

I have to rush back home to start work at 10:30...so hopefully, traffic isn't a nightmare. It's been a day already...