
Ginger tea

Feeling a bit under the weather today. Sore throat, stuffy nose, etc. I tested neg for Covid, so at least it’s just a little cold.

I’m making some fresh ginger tea with a slice of lemon and a dollop of honey. Such a cozy drink when you’re feeling sick.

My dad's PET scan is tonight, and I’m praying to the Universe for any sign of improvement.

The wind right now is so fierce and turbulent that it feels like the trees in the backyard will all simultaneously be ripped from their roots.

Drawings from the past few days:


Angel cat??


I used a bigger Bristol board than usual with this one. I’m really liking the bigger size.


(Busy worrying about things lol).


For some reason, I wanted to play with watercolors this morning. It was fun! Forgot how relaxing it is to move paint around on the page. I added some inky details to mix it up a bit.

Hope you’re all having a cozy day:)