
from elsewhen

Last night, I dreamt that I opened a record shop that exclusively carried women artists.

While having my morning coffee, ideas and thoughts unraveled: what if I opened up an all-women artists' record shop and also carried a bunch of zines written by women writers?

Dreams are fun.


list of artists to check out

I feel like I've been neglecting my links page (and my entire blog, really). I often refer to this list as a keepsake for all the writers/bloggers I love, and I've been forgetting to add things to it. Bookmarks, links, and articles are scattered across my email blog and notebooks, and things feel disorganized. I miss tinkering with my blog, and keeping a record of things.

minithought: i find it sad and deeply unsettling that we have a word for "Sunday scaries". And in turn, this horrible back-to-work depression fosters heart attack Mondays.


this and that:


today everything exists to end in a photograph

- susan sontag