
floating in desire

I had the best small-town weekend again with K.

Country drives, flea market barn jaunts, dinner with his mom, double dog walks + cuddled-up binging our favorite show.


out-the-car-window farm gem

He took me to see his parent's house, where he grew up which he’s called home his entire life.

It's strange to witness someone have such an intimate connection to land and environment. The ease and pride as he recounts the tapestry of stories that make up his town. I envy his deep roots.

I've moved so many times that I've lost count of how many addresses I've held.

He said he wanted to share his roots with me. Might have been the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me.


red rubber ball, Courtice, ON

On Sunday, he took me to the Courtice Flea Market, where I found two records that I immediately bought:


Tony Molina, Confront The Truth, 2016. Think: Weezer, The Beatles, with a dash of punk.


Cat Power, Moon Pix, 1998. What a breathtaking cover.

✧ you're my internet crush✧

•only two links today bc i've been frolicking in the wildflowers•

heart eyes: