
Day off

Started the morning off with a mighty hearty breakfast, as I wrote a few ideas down for future posts. I have so many things I want to try out:) Blogging can be such a lifeline sometimes.


Muskoka and I then went for a long walk through our favorite trail not too far from where we live.


A little thing scratched his eyeball the other day (don’t ask me how), and he has now been confined to a cone; he keeps bumping into things and has yet to gauge proper depth perception. He hasn’t had the best week.


Went to the art store in the afternoon, perused the aisles and soaked in all the colors and textures, and of course, bought a new notebook because the empty ones I have at home are obv not enough! Aren’t these colors delicious?



A few sketches from the past few days:



Now that I’ve taken a break from ig and not feeling the need to post things right away, I’ve been slowly getting back into doodling, and it feels so good.


It’s been so nice to have the day off today. My brain needed to recharge. Going to have a bath, maybe watch a few shows, and eat some yummy food. Doing my best not to focus on all the things I can’t control. Easier said than done…but trying.