Blister in the sun
Happy sat:)
It's been a blistering hot few days out. We went straight from winter right to summer in a jiffy.
I spent some time in the west end with a friend, took many walks by the water, and soaked up the delicious weather.
Look at that gorgeous lake...
Then back in our neck of the woods, sidewalk hearts:
I've been drawing a lot this week. Been having fun making tiny squiggles and lines in my sketchbook.
Got a new tinnier sketchbook, and the size appeals to me. It's not as intimidating as my bigger/fancier ones. If I put on a show/movie, it's easy to sit there and doodle with it on my lap.
I've been incorporating tiny pieces of writing and poems in my sketches, and I like how it feels. Tiny thoughts, memories, feelings, all meshed into drawings, is another layer I want to explore.
The Homeless Wanderer -Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guébrou. Such a peaceful song....