
angel food, thoughts, and projects

Working on: a text self-portrait in zine format, a Master List blog post for Fall including books, links, lists, movies, and wishes, making mood playlists instead of monthly ones, trying to figure out what I want to do for work, building my Polaroid photos collection for another zine I'm making (too many zines on the brain), subscribing to above-my-intellect-newsletters to broaden my reading landscape, giving Are.na another shot, thanking my lucky stars for my current state of life.

✧you're my internet crush✧



blurry Polaroid cone flowers from my neighborhood this morning


What if I started a quirky literary magazine?

Why is it that when a famous woman dies, they only show pictures of her when she was young and beautiful? What about her...now? Her present life—erased. She's only as good as her best-photographed younger self.

I'd like to learn film photography.

Yesterday, through my Summer Postcard Project, I met a new internet friend, Lola, an artist and designer from Spain. She wrote me the sweetest message, and I can't wait to send her a postcard all the way to Europe!

My bf is camping with his parents up in Arrowhead, and he filmed the bonfire they shared last night. I was privy to the unhurried conversations of a family, his family, and one, it made me miss the comfort of having parents, and two, he sounded so innocent in a way. It made me realize that when we're happy and content, we unconsciously unravel our former child-like presence.

#Polaroid photos