
a summer postcard project + a survey 🛼

I'm drinking a very strong cup of coffee.

I'm back in my own apartment after being in the country again for the last few days. It's nice to be around my own things and have some time to write some personal email letters, read blogs, journal, and be alone for a bit.


-Working on a zine: Summer Diaries. This will be a short edition of maybe 20 copies. Tiny snippets about my country jaunts (written on my typewriter) with Polaroid pictures of said jaunts. Each copy will receive a different Polaroid from the zine. This project is born from wanting a more physical existence, a continuation of my quest for solid/analog experiences. A tangible proof of ordinary days.

-TBR: Conversations with Friends, and Normal People, by Sally Rooney.

-Goofpunk's post about detaching from their physical presence was tender and sensitive and made me feel less alone concerning my own body quandaries.

Another thing I've been thinking about this week, as I continue to live primarily inside my head, is about the jarring experience of a person who regularly dissociates and detaches from their physical presence, while also being a fat person who is constantly reminded of their physical space. It's a uniquely difficult experience, I think, to retreat into your brain as a way to cope, only to be yanked back down so you can be reminded that the world was not built for bodies like yours. I don't know what to do with this thing that I've noticed, other than point it out. I don't know what to do with a lot of things like this.

-Dear reader: Do you read my blog and my weekly micro-email letter? (If you do...thank you, and I love you!) but also...which do you prefer? Sometimes i feel like i'm spreading myself too thin by writing in too many places. Which do you prefer?

🌈Can you please let me know by clicking your answer on my PAGE? Thank you! I appreciate you <3

-A long time ago, when I was active on IG (I've since deleted that art account), I used to make little drawings on handmade postcards and send them out to people who wanted one. It was a fun way to fold a bit of snail mail/joy into daily life. If you're interested, head over to my 🛼ART PAGE🛼 and grab one! It's free! I'll keep this mini-summer project going until Labor Day, so go snag one! International countries welcome;)

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