
a cozy listen

So I got the wifi record player all setup. It's been fun playing around with it. I'm waiting on a few record cleaning supplies as many of the records I've pulled out are dusty, even though they're all encased in plastic sleeves. I used my dad's brush to give it an initial sweep, but I think some of them need a deeper clean.


Chet Baker The Köln Concert 1955

The first record I put on! It was such a cozy listen.

A few drawings from the past couple days:





The extra meds the vet prescribed Muskoka seem to be doing the trick. It rained quite a bit yesterday, and he didn't spiral into a panic, so that is a plus. :)

There isn't too much on the radar today. Been watching the show Tiny Beautiful Things. The show will hit some tender nerves if you lost your mother, especially as a young adult. Merritt Wever, and Kathryn Hahn are magic on the screen.