
5-star rating, free art, and new bloggo friends

I recently joined Letterboxd, and my OCD brain went a little haywire trying to figure out how best to rate a movie using the 5-star rating system.

I had to think long and hard about this (meaning I made several attempts to write out the criteria in my notes app). Has anyone else struggled to come up with their own rating system?

Is it weird that trying to rate a movie feels like an arduous, complicated task filled with double-backing doubt?

Btw if you're on there, let's be fweeends.

Behold the 5-star rating list (for now):

1/2 Failure, offensive, toxic

1 Failure, gouge my eyes out, hate it

1 1/2 Bad, cheese, regrettable, waste of time

2 Disappointing, mediocre, uninteresting, something to put on for background noise?

2 1/2 Mediocre, run-of-the-mill, mixed feelings, flawed but worthy

3 Good, Above average, interesting concept or execution, eye-opening

3 1/2 Very good, interesting concept and execution, evoking

4 Great, exciting, memorable achievement, enlightening

4 1/2 Enriching and transformative, work of art, exceptional, almost perfect

5 Flawless, masterpiece, favorite, divine encounter



I've been playing with some watercolor paint these past few days. If you fancy some snail mail, go and snag one for free:)






I finally have my guitar back, and I've been back at it. It's been a while since I've played, so my fingertips are sensi—I need to build my calluses back up!

I've been playing along to some songs on YouTube, where they show you the chords as the music plays out, and it's tough. The changeover between chords is so fast. Clearly, I need more practice. But it's fun:)



A new bloggo friend Ratika Deshpande reached out by email the other day, and we chatted briefly about the awkward and delicate subject matter of asking readers for monetary support on a blog. It's a dicey topic, but one that I'm forevermore curious about.

I plan on writing more about my experiences and thoughts surrounding this, especially my feelings about imposter syndrome, getting comfortable with vulnerability, and deciding how to put a price on creative work.